Monday, 22 October 2012

Sun, Blue Skies, & Beautiful Sunsets

I'm still appreciating the amazing year round weather in Brunei. Even though it does get hot sometimes.. ba ba ba ba ba I'm Loving it! hehehe.. (McDonalds slogan) it seriously adds to the feeling that im on a year long vacation! hehehe... if i had an umbrella drink in hand  that would be perfect right now. Ehh but i know when Christmas comes I'll be wishing for snow... seriously this year is going by like lightening speed so much stuff is happening it is crazy. For a slow paced country, i mentioned before my days seem to be going by so fast!

Been so busy picking out different things for the Bistro. I realized i took forgranted little things back in Canada that were so readily available like windows that open upwards, or auto faucets and toilets, and fake candels LOL. While all the coming together is quite stressful i know everything will be awesome when it is all completed! There is still lots to do! Taking small steps everyday. I Praise God for this opportunity seriously, is this real life?! Wow God I'm totally not worthy.

Another really cool thing that is happening now is seeing all the different ppl that God has placed and is placing in my life at this season!

something that has been on my mind a lot is deciding on a church to settle down to here.. ahh i think im really scared of making a committement cuz then i will find myself really starting to be rooted n Brunei.. i dunno... it seems aboiut time... yet im still kinda drifting around .. i just need to make a choice

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