Thursday, 6 September 2012

My Time is God's Time

I've been reading this Christian book recently called Surprised by the Voice of God. It's been a kinda an up and down book with a lot of information that at times is way too over my head but there are parts where also have learned some real truths about my relationship with God. One of them is about how dreams can be a tool that God uses to speak to me. I'm a person who doesn't usually remember dreaming at night but on those occasional times that I do wake up and remember that I was dreaming I always feel like it is something important. I get reminded of certain things and certain feelings. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream that reminded me that God is almighty, powerful, and that everything is in His control. What a comfort really something I needed and I just kept thinking about Yes God is in control.

Another truth in the book that I was reminded about is that I shouldn't be "finding" time for God. My time is God's time how am I am totally available for God, throughout the day? How do I serve God with every aspect of my life.. from sitting in front of a computer... to meeting with people.. being around my family .. working..eating.. sleeping..being bored.. being lazy.. being tired or sad.. everything... I often feel like the Israelites who are so forgetful one minute Praising God the next complaining to God...

I am remembering God is sovereign!! all- knowing, all- wise, all- powerful, all- loving!! It is amazingly mind blowing... when you fall, you get back up and hold on to the person of God

God thank you for:
1) Your promises "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
2) Your Sovereignty
3) Your plan for my life
4) Your discipline in my life
5) Your forgiveness of sins
6) Your ability to restort
7) the creative ways you can teach me
8) Your intimate knowledge of me
9) Your perfect timing
10) Your love that never fails, never changes, never stops, never runs out, never gives up

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