Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do not be afraid. Just have faith

how come i'm still afraid when the creator of the universe. the God who is all knowing, all powerful, all sovereign tells me not to be afraid?

i think its cuz im not ready to let go. afraid that all the memories will be forgotten. afraid that ill be forgotten about. and i dont want to be forgotten.. if im letting go he also is letting go? or already has let go. letting go i think of as placing it at God's feet and walking away forgetting about it...what happens when i forget something?

why am i not ready to walk away? is it cuz i dont have faith? or little faith? maybe i just have the faith in my head.. knowing yes God is good and he has my future planned... maybe my faith hasnt gone into my heart and soul yet.... how do i have great faith?  the faith like the women who just touched Jesus' robe to be healed, or the faith Moses had in God, the faith Peter had to carry on and become the leader of the church even when he denied Jesus before.

faith of a mustard seed. it starts small. it grows. faith takes action.

hmm walk by faith... walk... walk ... am i gunna walk yet?

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